Handsome Max is a great family dog! He is extremely intelligent, has lots of natural energy and has some solid obedience training.
People often think he is a puppy due to his youthful looks and happy go lucky spirit. Max loves to chase tennis balls and enjoys catching the ball in your yard or in the park. This little smarty pants likes to sometimes bury his bones and play silly games.
Not only is Max well trained outside of the home, he is very well behaved inside as well. He is crate trained, perfectly house trained and loves to sleep either by your feet next to the bed and/or on his soft doggie bed.
Basically Max is happiest, when he can be near you.
Max has been living with a cat in his current home and him and the kitty have been caught sleeping next to each other. Nowadays, the kitty tolerates Mr. Max but will likely not miss him. They used to play and chase each other when Max was a puppy, but that has subsided.
Max is socialized with other dogs through weekly trips to the dog park. He has also co-habitated with a King Charles Spaniel and they got along very well. Max has also been living with a younger child and even though, he is a gentleman, he would probably be happier in a home, where he receives gentle love from either adults or older children.
Max is just the all-around perfect guy and can't wait to meet you!